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Luigi Embergher Mandolino da Studio, Tipo A

Denne mandolin fra 1940 er ualmindelig velholdt. Det meste af sit liv har den været pakket ind i det originale etui, så dækket er stadig lyst og der er ikke revner. Serienummeret er 274.

Læs lidt fra en Embergher hjemmeside:

"The most important characteristic of each type and model is its number of ribs. For both the student A and B types the bowl is build up of 16 ribs. Both the types and orchestra models are stamped at the front of the head (occasionally at the back of the head) with the imprint 'Luigi Embergher - lyre (image) - Roma' imprint. Sometimes on early examples a stamp is used in which the surname is spelled without the 'h': 'L. Emberger - Roma'. The inlay decoration around the sound hole is made of light and dark wood."

The catalogue states the following about these models:

Mandolino da studio - Tipo A and Tipo B.
The two models A and B, in maple or rosewood, were made on the repeated request of clients and teachers so that their students could be offered an appropriate instrument of my art for a modest prize from the start of their studies, naturally carefully executed to ensure the precise chromatic scale and sonority of sound.

The oval sound hole is surrounded by a rosette build up from wooden linings on both models, whereas the Tipo B differs from Tipo A because of the inlay decoration (a lyre and five flower motif) on the scratch-plate and the border line of the sound table.

Tak til Embergher hjemmesiden, hvor jeg lånte ovenstående.


Embergher mandolin